"Addicts Helping Addicts"

We are all Recovering addicts, dependent upon our Faith, and our willingness to do so. We strive to make others believe in their value. Across the page, and website, you will discover the purpose, displaying our mission. Be who you are, and be who you want to be.
This resource was born to create a social self-help meeting, in a community sense. Our hope is to log-in each day to see users supporting each other, wearing the label (#breakthelabel), and taking back a life lost to drugs, alcohol, or what have you.

The team at LifeLongSerenity have all fought to keep their lives on the straighten arrow, batteling through courts, arrests, judgement, and labels. Fortunately, God was giving out second chances, and we were able to turn our lives around; just like you have or are trying to do. Those in need of Inspiration, Motivation, Courage, Wisdom, and Support- will find that need on This is the short version, but continue to fight along and stick together because the past becomes the present characteristic.
Remember; it’s not what nocks you down, but how you get up that defines you.
You can follow us on Twitter, @LifeLongSerene, to get up to date news, thoughts, and announcements.
You can subscribe to our YouTubeChannel, LifeLongSerenity, and view videos, meetings, and stories.
Find our Facebook Page, LifeLongSerenity, and Like us to keep the trend going.
The more you engage in our sites, the more you will find Serenity.